Getting deals through referrals can be less complicated and deliver some of the best equity deals you will find. Think about this for a minute: how many things have you received from a referral? You may have found your job through a referral, your clients through referral, or maybe even met your spouse through a referral. So many things in life come from referrals—house deals are no different.

Deals Are Closer Than You Think

Over time, I have encouraged investors to utilize all of the resources available to them when finding deals, and one of the most effective ways, again and again, has been through referrals. So, tell the people in your network that you are looking for a distressed house to buy.

I have had clients find deals in the strangest ways, from their dentist’s mother-in-law to their barber, from having a drink next to someone at a bar, to a Facebook referral. A deal I found a while back came from my exterminator. He was treating my house, knew what I was looking for, and turned me on to a great deal. I could go on and on, but you get my point. Try this for yourself and see what results you get.

Talk to Neighbors 

You will find that as you are working on a house (i.e., performing the rehab/remodel), neighbors may stop by to see what’s happening. I have had several clients of mine find deals on the same street because someone came by and said that they would like to sell their house as well.

Also, there are neighbors who will stop by and walk around inside while work is being done. It’s natural. Don’t get frustrated or upset because you think they are being nosy or trespassing. They may be the person on the street who knows everything that is going on in the neighborhood, and you absolutely want to get to know them. They can check on the house for you when your contractors are not there. They can offer you insight into the history of the neighborhood if they have lived there for a long time. But most importantly, they can tell you who else might be in a situation where they need to sell. This type of neighbor knows those around them and their personal situations. Maybe there is someone getting divorced, moving into a senior center, or had a death in the family. All of these situations can create an opportunity for you as a real estate investor. Take advantage and be proactive. Ask them if they know about any houses that might be worth a knock on the door or other forms of contact.


Imagine you tell people you are looking for a distressed house to buy and nothing more. If they know someone needing to get out of their situation, have them give you a call. Or, better yet, get their number and see if you can contact them after a warm introduction. There are many ways to find referrals and make them work. The potential for great deals is right in front of you.

If you are in the Real Estate business looking for a Hard Money Lender in Houston, contact our Houston office today!