The Survey Results are in!
Given the uncertainty about the economy, we conducted a survey to find out how Texas real estate investors feel about their investment plans and overall market sentiment.

Our Survey data indicates that 70% of investors are actively looking for investment opportunities, 27% are waiting for the market to improve or are not currently planning on any further investments, and 3% of the people surveyed marked “other”.

When investors were asked about the primary challenges they were facing:

  • 54% of investors named finding properties or getting outbid as the top challenge
  • 20% had a hard time finding capital and or did not have adequate reserves to pay for rehabs
  • 12% of investors are having challenges with labor shortages
  • 8% said supply cost was of great concern
  • 6% voiced rising property taxes as a top challenge

Overall the results show that Real Estate Investments may cool slightly for some investors, but the consensus is we’re still in a bullish market. The one exception we found was real estate investors who predominantly flip properties.

When we surveyed investors who flip properties about their sentiments:
49% of these investors felt good about the market, while
51% had concerns and would be holding off for now

So what is the takeaway here?
While rising inflation has created some market challenges, we believe there continues to be a generally positive outlook regarding investor sentiment, primarily due to housing market demand.

In the short term, there may be some fluctuations in values/pricing. But with an average of 1,500 people a day moving to Texas, coupled with an ongoing inventory shortage, demand will continue to grow.

We will continue to send important and relevant market data as well as strategies for this changing market. So stay tuned to future emails for updates.
Before putting anything under contract, we encourage all investors to complete a free deal analysis, and one of our experienced team members will get back to you with the results.